The South Coast Air
Quality Management District looks to trucks and burger joints to achieve
federal air quality standards.
The recently approved Air Quality
Management Plan in the South Coast air basin is calling for immediate sort term localized reductions to meet
2014 PM2.5 standards and long term truck turnover goals for control of directly
emitted Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) in order to achieve a fast approaching 2020
federal standard for Ground Level Ozone.
In case you are wondering what NOx is or does, a brief, crude explination follows; NOx reacts in the atmosphere with sunlight to sunlight form Ozone, which is a precursor to smog, so controlling NOx at the one of the sources (tailpipes) will help s to reduce the formation of Ozone and subsequently, smog. Without going into a lengthy discussion about air quality chemistry to justify the rather simple explanation above, suffice it to say, for the purposes of this article; if the government says it, it must be true.
In case you are wondering what NOx is or does, a brief, crude explination follows; NOx reacts in the atmosphere with sunlight to sunlight form Ozone, which is a precursor to smog, so controlling NOx at the one of the sources (tailpipes) will help s to reduce the formation of Ozone and subsequently, smog. Without going into a lengthy discussion about air quality chemistry to justify the rather simple explanation above, suffice it to say, for the purposes of this article; if the government says it, it must be true.
As is the same in every state, California finds itself under
the ever-tightening ambient air quality standards of the Federal EPA. More than
100 rules have been written in the Golden State to curtail the burning air of
yore resulting in the decline of restricted activity days statewide, with the
south coast region enjoying more clearer days more often. Many may find it hard
to believe that just over two decades ago, a visitor to Southern California
would not even be able to see the 8,000 foot mountain ranges that border the
region. The shroud of smog would hide the mountains only having their majesty
revealed after strong winds or a downpour of the ever-elusive rain.
Of course it is not enough, as is the battle with Air
Quality in California and most industrialized, highly populated regions. The
state of California will not stop until Carbon emissions are reduced and the
harmful pollutants associated with the heavy-duty transportation sector become
part of a bygone era.
In the meantime, the SCAQMD is taking matters into their own
hands with a comprehensive and aggressive plan to meet the Federal Air Quality
guidelines. As the next few months ware on, we can expect specific details to
emerge on how implementation is going to shape up. Incentives for cleaner
engine certifications are being considered and the District hopes to entice end
users with incentive monies towards the purchase of new technology that
currently does not commercially exist for the heavy duty sector.
The region as a whole will benefit from these and other
measures outlined in the AQMP, but one particular region within the basin,
(outside the San Pedro Port Complex) Mira Loma, will be targeted for reductions
above and beyond what is currently being controlled. Businesses in Mira Loma,
can expect tightening standards on almost any type of smoke. Including the
smoke coming from the char broiled burger joints that dot the landscape of
storied southern California.
Mira Loma also shares the designation of being home to some of the largest distribution centers in the region, thousands of trucks travel throughout the roadways on a daily basis to service these facilities. In order to meet the Federal guidelines and beyond, the SCAQMD is endeavoring to have several thousand of those trucks replaced with zero or near zero emission technology over the next ten years to achieve the needed Ozone reductions by practically eliminating NOx from the tailpipe.
Mira Loma also shares the designation of being home to some of the largest distribution centers in the region, thousands of trucks travel throughout the roadways on a daily basis to service these facilities. In order to meet the Federal guidelines and beyond, the SCAQMD is endeavoring to have several thousand of those trucks replaced with zero or near zero emission technology over the next ten years to achieve the needed Ozone reductions by practically eliminating NOx from the tailpipe.
Although the District has limited authority over mobile
sources and will be hard pressed in forcing any direct change on a local level,
there is always the threat of additional regulation or at least targeted
enforcement from the State. Even though most attention is being paid to Carbon
reductions through the newly minted Cap and Trade program, federal air quality
targets are not getting any looser. Standards will need to be met or Federal
highway funding for California will be frozen, so continued attention will be
paid to these types of reductions now and well into the future.
This is one reason why it is important to maintain a constant surveillance of regulatory entities in California, because, as goes California, so goes the Nation....and contrary to the popular consensus for most who live outside of California, the state will not be breaking off into the Pacific Ocean any time soon; so we might as well get used to it.
This is one reason why it is important to maintain a constant surveillance of regulatory entities in California, because, as goes California, so goes the Nation....and contrary to the popular consensus for most who live outside of California, the state will not be breaking off into the Pacific Ocean any time soon; so we might as well get used to it.